Games Galore and More

Where you are Free to Be Yourself

Joker’s Wild

This game is hosted by Pam and Charlie.

Two captains are chosen and two teams are created.


Team 1 starts the game by pulling a lever to set a slot machine in motion. Each wheel contains five different categories and a joker. The 5 categories are revealed before the game. The Joker serves as a wild card and could represent any category. After the wheels stop, the team chooses one of the displayed categories and is asked a question from that category. If the team answers correctly, the point value of the question is added to their score. An incorrect response allows the opposing team a chance to answer and steal the points. If we run out of questions in any category, a new category will be introduced.

Question values:

The values of the questions are determined by the spin. Categories are worth 50, 100, or 150 points if they appear in one, two, or all three
windows respectively. A pair without a joker, if chosen, is played for 100 points. A “natural triple” requires the team to answer a question in that category for 150 points.


When one or two jokers come up during a spin, a team can use them to match any displayed category and create a double or triple, increasing the value of the question. They can also substitute a joker for a category in play but not displayed on the wheels (which is referred to
as going off the board) for 50 points using one joker or 100 points using two jokers.

Spinning three jokers allows the team to choose any of the categories in play during the game. A correct answer automatically wins the game, regardless of the team’s score or whether a full round has been played or not. The winner receives either 500 points or the total amount they have accumulated to that point, whichever is greater. If the question is not answered correctly, the opposing team cannot steal and the game continues.

Winning the game:

The game is played in rounds, with each team given one turn per round. If team 1 reaches or surpasses 500 points on their turn, then
team 2 has one last chance to spin either three jokers or a combination that would tie or beat that score. Either team can win the game by reaching 500 points with a correct answer to a question missed by the other team, or by spinning three jokers and correctly answering a question in any category. If a round ends with the scores tied at 500 or more, the game continues until the tie is broken.

Bonus Round:

After the bonus round, game play moves back to the main game. An announcement will be made when there are two rounds left.

Beware of the devil.

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